The next Game of Intuitive Treasure Hunter is TBA. Stay tuned. :)

Intuitive Treasure Hunter is a life-sized game played out in the world that fosters self-trust, group support, creative freedom, and big joy. Playing strengthens the part of you that knows the way, which leads to story-worthy adventures. The game starts with a promise and ends with a treasure. It is a little bit mysterious on purpose. Created in 2005 as a way to help 5th - 8th graders keep open access to their creative intuition and authentic playful selves, ITH has since been played by hundreds of people of all ages from all over the world, and is especially loved by improvisors and artists. In addition to being shared privately, the game has been shared yearly at The Improv Retreat, and used to cap off iO Chicago's Summer Improv Intensives over the past four years. 

All events on this site are facilitated by ITH's creator. Questions are warmly welcome at