The game requires following an internal sense of direction, rather than external sets of directions. This can sometimes result in experiences that feel story-worthy. The business of paying attention to our inner nature, and noticing the world around us, can lead to adventures that are vivid and compelling. 

At the end of each game then, after a break with time to return and get food, we host a story-swap for participants to share about their treasures and turns. Whether or not everyone chooses to share, there's a discussion that usually includes lots of laughing and musing and rich reflection about right brain vs. left brain processes, creativity and trust, and kernels of truth in our narratives. 

If you've played ITH and want to share your story elsewhere, we think that's a great idea! Because any story that inspires a little wonder about life is a good one. If you're looking for a place to tell your story beyond regular conversation, we can suggest 1. story shows! There are a ton of these popping up all over the world, in coffee-shops, community centers and theaters. If you're looking for places in Chicago, here's a partial list. 2. The Intuitive Treasure Hunter Facebook page is a place where people who have played the game share and connect. 3. Submit your story for inclusion in an upcoming book of ITH stories. If you submit, please send a piece no longer than 2,000 words, to If your story is accepted, it’ll only be published or shared with your explicit consent, and a full agreement about your rights & compensation!